I actually made some New Year's Resolutions this year. I don't do this every year, but when I have done it I've been pretty good about accomplishing those resolutions. So in 2010 I resolve to:
1.) Become more proficient at two-color/Fair Isle /Nordic knitting. This means that I will continue to practice these techniques. When I finish one project I'll start another 2-color project. Always before when I finish one, I decide to do something different like cables and then much later go back to two-color knitting. I think by doing it this way I'm not getting much better. I also think one way to improve my stitches is to stop and rest my fingers frequently.
2.) Complete some rosemaling project every month. If I can't get a plate or bowl or something done I'll try to finish 4 ornaments or small things. This way by next Christmas I'll have some ornaments to give away.
3.) Get more exercise--hopefully some every day. I haven't come up with a specific goal for this one, so I don't know how well this will work out. I got lots of exercise yesterday in the house going up and down the stairs. I was cleaning, doing wash, working on the computer and doing the stairs a lot. I was exhausted by dinner time. This is why I need to get more exercise every day--so I don't get exhausted.
I'm not going to resolve to be a better blogger, because if I do the other things something might have to go and it might end up being the blogging. But on the other hand I might have more to blog about, so maybe I'll keep it up better than before.
I have started my first Nordic sweater of the year, but there's very little to show so far.
Instead I'm going to post some belated Christmas pictures. I put the tree in a new location this year and my two nieces Nina and Laura were here to help decorate it and I think it is one of the prettiest trees I've had, so here are a few pictures of Christmas at my house this year.
And here's my dining room table.