Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A test and some rosemaling

          I just wrote a post for this blog to be posted on April 29. At least I hope it will be.  It is the last one for the Knitting and Crochet Blog Week.  I will be out of town that week, so decided to do all my posts for the week ahead of time and schedule them to be posted that week.  I have never done this scheduling thing before.  The first post I uploaded and then scheduled on the blogspot site, but then I discovered that Windows Live Writer has a scheduling feature.  This is the program I use to write my posts, mainly because it is easy and when I hit "publish" the post and all related pictures get published all at once.  I don't have to do the pictures separately. But I have never used this feature and want to see if it really works, so I am now making a test post. 


          Since this week of blogging is related to knitting and crochet, I thought my test post ought to relate to rosemaling. There aren't many rosemaling blogs out there.  As opposed to hundreds or thousands? of knitting and craft blogs. There are at least two good reasons for this. A) there are more knitters and crafters than there are rosemalers. (needs citation) and B) Knitters and crafters tend to be younger and more tech-savvy than rosemalers.

           In my google search this blog came up on the 3rd page. Most of the results are either professional sites of professional rosemalers and teachers, organizations or just a mention of rosemaling on a blog that covers a variety of topics. One rosemaler who blogs about a variety of topics has left comments on this blog. Her blog is at Forestwoodfolk.

          I'm not sure the world of rosemaling needs more rosemaling blogs, though.  Are there enough rosemalers out there looking for inspiration and or tips through blogs? probably not.  Be sure to let me know if you think otherwise.

          What is rosemaling?   Well, here is one description.  I have to agree with this pretty much.  I wrote it, so I should. If you want to see some examples check the Gallery on that site.  Most of those pictures are done by amateurs, though there are a few done by teachers, who are professionals. All the photos are mine.

          And now here are just a few photos of my work that I haven't published here before.








These are done on paper with acrylic paints, my preferred media. 


Okay that's it for this test post.  I will schedule it to appear in two days or on April 18th, 2012.

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Cécile said...

Well, it worked, but not through Windows Live Writer alone. I did set the date and time that way, but then saved the draft to the blogger site using the drop-down menu under 'file.'Then I went on the site, went into the edit mode and hit 'publish' after checking that the date and time were what I had set them at. So this one worked. Hopefully the others will work next week.

Anonymous said...

Your artwork is just beautiful.

L. P. said...

I love all your work, but the one stiking my fancy today is the top one in yellow and green.